Paper; pp. 248 + I f. [blank]; mm. 268_200; old binding in parchment; beautiful copy of the text (cf. Vatican mss.). The Compendio follows here the Institutione del principe as if they were the two parts of a same work, dedicated to the Grand Duke…
Paper; ff. [2], 201, [2]; mm. 200_265; original binding in parchment. Beautiful copy written in an elegant cursive hand (early 17th c.). The Institutione at ff. 3r-38v; the Compendio at ff. 39r-196v.
Paper; ff. I, 40; mm. 170_228. Original binding in parchment with golden decorations. Beautiful copy of Francesco Piccolomini's Instituzione; the dedication letter is copied by a different hand, possibly the author's (cf. Siena, BC, G.VII.36). The…