The Trattato de' costumi, attributed to Luigi Dal Portello (who signs the preface letter to Niccolò Valier) by Risse, is in fact the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book II. As one gets from the identity of the publisher, such work might be…
The work is conceived as a series of tree diagrams ('alberi') and short paragraphs which aim at summarising the main rational faculties (grammar, rhetoric, topics, logic, poetics, history). Aristotle is one of the main sources employed by Toscanella,…
Breventano's treatise on the natural elements opens with an interesting preface to the readers in which the author explains the importance of disseminating scientific culture not only through translations and commentaries, but through compendia as…
The Trattato is conceived as a development of some remarks given in the Trattato degli elementi. The work is introduced by a preface to the readers which summarises what the author had written in the preface to the previous work. NEED TO CHECK AN…
Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…
Stefano Conventi's Discorsi peripatetici et platonici is an interesting example of a reworking of a previous text written and published in Latin by the same author, De ascensu mentis in deum, ex Platonica et Peripatetica doctrina libri sex (Venice:…
Fabio Benvoglienti's Discorso sopra la materia de gli affetti is conceived as an introduction to (and compendium of) Aristotle's discussion of passions in Rhetoric, book 2. After a short preamble in which the Author explains Aristotle's priority in…
The curious work by Decio Celere is basically a translation of his friend Pietro Bongo's Numerorum mystheria,opus maximarum rerum doctrina et copia repertum, in quo mirus in primis, idemque perpetuus Arithmeticae Pythagoricae cum Divinae Paginae…
The work is a compendium of meteorology very focused on the knowledge of winds and their nature. Aristotle's Meteorology undoubtedly plays a main role among Breventano's sources, which are nonetheless extremely heterogeneous (Hippocrates, Seneca,…