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Bernardo Segni's translation of Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric were first printed in Florence in 1549, though the author had been working on them for several years, as confirmed by the manuscript (autograph) version of the Rhetoric now in the…

Bernardo Segni's Trattato dei governi is a translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Politics. The work, published in 1549 and later reprinted (1551, 1559), was ready in 1548 - as confirmed by the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of Florence,…

The lecture addressed to Eleonora de Toledo, member of the Accademia degli Alterati under the name of "Ardente", is conceived as a general discussion of Alessandro Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotle's Poetics, the Annotationi nel libro della…

The brief treatise by Robortello, witnessed by miscellaneous manuscripts, deals with topics and discusses Aristotelian principles from the Prior Analytics, which are presented as a fundamental source for the rational faculties (Rhetoric, Poetics,…

Fabio Albergati's Le morali is a treatise on virtues very based on Aristotle's Nicoamachean Ethics. The work was first published in 1627, after Fabio's death (1606), by the author's son, Antonio, bishop of Bisceglie, who dedicated the book to pope…

As Albergati states in the preface letter to cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, he had been asked to write the work by cardinal Francisco de Toledo Herrera in order to reprobate Jean Bodin's political theories by means of a strong defence of Aristotle's.…

The Compendio de i morali d'Aristotele is much more than a compendium of the Ethics, as it appears just looking at the very small number of pages. After a brief definition of soul, will and virtue, the author distinguishes between intellectual…

The printed edition is a collection of three different philosophical works: the book opens with Epictetus' Moral Philosophy, goes on with the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On Virtues and Vices and ends up with Plutarch's On Brotherly Love. Each…

Fabio Benvoglienti's Discorso sopra la materia de gli affetti is conceived as an introduction to (and compendium of) Aristotle's discussion of passions in Rhetoric, book 2. After a short preamble in which the Author explains Aristotle's priority in…
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