Antonio Guarino's Le mechanice is the first Italian translation of and commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanics. Guarino, who worked as inspector of fortifications for the duke Alfonso II d'Este of Modena was acquainted with Greek and…
This is the Italian translation of Alessandro Piccolomini's In Mechanicas Quaestiones Aristotelis Paraphrasis paulo quidem plenior (Rome: Antonio Blado, 1547).
The Trattato is a summary of Aristotelian mistakes in the field of natural philosophy, with a special focus on cosmography and heavens. The author, Giovanni Maria Benedetti, refers to several Aristotelian passages as well as to more recent authors…
The work by Tartaglia, which appeared in three different editions (1546, 1554, 1565 c.), included a partial commentary on Pseudo-Aristotle's Mechanics (section VI, ed. 1554).
Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…