Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…
The work by Tartaglia, which appeared in three different editions (1546, 1554, 1565 c.), included a partial commentary on Pseudo-Aristotle's Mechanics (section VI, ed. 1554).
This is the Italian translation of Alessandro Piccolomini's In Mechanicas Quaestiones Aristotelis Paraphrasis paulo quidem plenior (Rome: Antonio Blado, 1547).
Antonio Guarino's Le mechanice is the first Italian translation of and commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanics. Guarino, who worked as inspector of fortifications for the duke Alfonso II d'Este of Modena was acquainted with Greek and…