The Discorso breve, dedicated to Alfonso Cavazzi, count of Somaglia, opens with a polemical preamble referring to a previous work by Bernardino Baldini (Bernardini Baldini Lusus ad m. Antonium Baldinum fratris filium, Milan: 1586). The short…
The work is mentioned by Haym (Biblioteca Italiana: II, 482) and Mazzucchelli (Scrittori d'Italia: II, 4, 2151) as printed in Venice by Curzio Troiano Navò in 1545, but no copies seem to be extant.
Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…
The work by Tartaglia, which appeared in three different editions (1546, 1554, 1565 c.), included a partial commentary on Pseudo-Aristotle's Mechanics (section VI, ed. 1554).
The Ragionamento is an outstanding example of a general introduction to philosophy aiming to outline the whole structure of philosophical disciplines: a preliminary section on the definition of philosophy is followed by chapters devoted to a…
This is the Italian translation of Alessandro Piccolomini's In Mechanicas Quaestiones Aristotelis Paraphrasis paulo quidem plenior (Rome: Antonio Blado, 1547).
The volume, printed in France in 1568 and edited by the fuoriuscito Jacopo Corbinelli, is the editio princeps of Brunetto Latini's compendium of the Ethics from his Trésor. The textual tradition of the work is most controversial, for it is linked to…
The curious work by Decio Celere is basically a translation of his friend Pietro Bongo's Numerorum mystheria,opus maximarum rerum doctrina et copia repertum, in quo mirus in primis, idemque perpetuus Arithmeticae Pythagoricae cum Divinae Paginae…