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The work is a compendium of meteorology very focused on the knowledge of winds and their nature. Aristotle's Meteorology undoubtedly plays a main role among Breventano's sources, which are nonetheless extremely heterogeneous (Hippocrates, Seneca,…

The dialogue stages three interlocutors - Battista Peroli, Stefano Viari, Camillo Abbioso - discussing meteorological issues mainly based on Aristotle (as stated in the title). Though, the Greek philosopher is not the only source of Zuccolo. The…

The first part is a critical discussion of rainbow and its nature (the work opens with a defence of the 'new philosophy' based on the sensate esperienze: Galileo is obviously mentioned). The second part is a thorough commentary of the section on the…

Breventano's treatise on the natural elements opens with an interesting preface to the readers in which the author explains the importance of disseminating scientific culture not only through translations and commentaries, but through compendia as…

The Trattato is conceived as a development of some remarks given in the Trattato degli elementi. The work is introduced by a preface to the readers which summarises what the author had written in the preface to the previous work. NEED TO CHECK AN…

The anonymous 14th c. translation of Aristotle's Meteorology had a wide manuscript circulation (7 copies extant) before being published in 1554. The so-called Metaura plays a main role in the history of medieval translations of Aristotle into Italian…

The Discorso was written in 1565 by Francesco De Vieri on the occasion of Francesco I de Medici's wedding; it is thus dedicated to the duke and his wife, Johanna of Austria. The work, conceived as a thorough discussion of philosophy and its…

As the author affirms in the dedication letter, the Discorsi, to which Pona refers as Lezioni morali, were given at the Accademia Filarmonica in Verona. After a preamble and a commentary on the title, the commentator quotes passages from Nicomachean…

Orazio Marta's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics was published after the death of the author by Carlo Tramontano, who signs the dedication letter to the Count of Lemos. The work appeared within a collection of Marta's Rime et prose which includes…

The work is conceived as a series of tree diagrams ('alberi') and short paragraphs which aim at summarising the main rational faculties (grammar, rhetoric, topics, logic, poetics, history). Aristotle is one of the main sources employed by Toscanella,…

The work, unfinished, covers books I-III of Aristotle's Ethics. The introduction focuses on the main purposes of the interpreter underlining the difficulty of previous Aristotelian translations. The work is presented as the Italian translation of a…

Antonio Colombella, member of the Augustinian order, dedicates this translation of the Nicomachean Ethics - apparently based on the Latin text by Robert Grosseteste - to the young nobleman and merchant Pancrazio Giustiniani. The work includes an…

The work discusses the ways a prince should approach philosophical contents and, above all, moral and political philosophy. The author does not focus on specific matters, but finds in Aristotle the main reference for an ideal compendium.

The lecture, given at the Accademia degli Umoristi in Rome in 1605, deals with a section of Aristotle's Poetics on the opportunity of employing verse (and not prose) in epic poetry.

The work is a partial commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics: the author, Giovenale Ancina, approaches here passages from books 2, 7 and 12. Some of the annotations are in Latin. This is one of the rare cases of vernacular works on metaphysics.

For an overview on Nicolò Anglico's compendium of the Ethics, cf. Marchesi 1904.

The name of the translator appears in ms. Chig. M.VIII.162, f. 83v. Niccolò Anglico is not mentioned in the Paduan ms., which is incomplete both at the beginning and at the end. Grion 1868 (who gave an edition of the text), did not know the Vatican…

Though recorded as a single work, the two manuscripts Florence, BNC, II.I.20-21 are note really related: the first one contains the so-called Proloqui nella Rettorica and an incomplete Ragionamento della poesia; the second manuscript is made up of 5…

The compendium follows the structure and mostly the contents of the Nicomachean Ethics, so that this is very close to being a shortened paraphrase. The only part really missing seems to be that on contemplation in Book X and that on the problem of…

Though Aristotle is rarely mentioned, the Introduzione alla morale is clearly based on the Nicomachean Ethics, as it appears from the long section on virtues as medium terms among opposite vices, as well as in the final section on justice. The work…

Camillo Baldi's Ragionamenti sopra la Politica d'Aristotile is an incomplete commentary on Aristotle's Politics covering book I-V. The Bologna ms. (BU, 1075) is the original autograph copy of the text, rich in corrections and additions by the author…

This is a vernacular translation of Aristotle's Problemata, XIX, On harmony. As we know from other works by Bartoli, he was very interested in Greek theories of music and musical harmony.
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