Bernardo Segni's Trattato dei governi is a translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Politics. The work, published in 1549 and later reprinted (1551, 1559), was ready in 1548 - as confirmed by the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of Florence,…
The Trattato de' costumi, attributed to Luigi Dal Portello (who signs the preface letter to Niccolò Valier) by Risse, is in fact the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book II. As one gets from the identity of the publisher, such work might be…
The work is a compendium of meteorology very focused on the knowledge of winds and their nature. Aristotle's Meteorology undoubtedly plays a main role among Breventano's sources, which are nonetheless extremely heterogeneous (Hippocrates, Seneca,…