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  • Related to Aristotles is exactly "Problems"

Paper; mm. 200_140; ff. 100.

This is a vernacular translation of Aristotle's Problemata, XIX, On harmony. As we know from other works by Bartoli, he was very interested in Greek theories of music and musical harmony.

Paper; misc.; mm. 143_220; ff. [...]. Faulty numbers of pages. Written by the same cursive but very legible hand.

The Discorso deals with a passage from Aristotle's Problemata. It is rich in Aristotelian references from the works of natural philosophy.

Paper; ff. I, 153, I; mm. 150_193. Title on the spine: 'Aristoti / Problemi / Ms.'. Cursive hand, probably 17th c.

The anonymous work is a paraphrase of some sections from Aristotle's Problemata dealing with issues of natural philosophy ('seconda particula del sudore', 'terza particula dell'imbriachezza', 'vigesima settima particula della timidità ') as well as…

Folio; ff. 120; ab6, c–h8 ik6 l–q8.

Cf. modern edition with critical introduction (Manenti 1988).
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