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  • Collection: Aristotelian works

The complete title of the anonymous work is Discorso ove si pruova che per questa parola pedia overo peritia che usa Aristotile nel principio del primo libro de parti d'animali non si possa intender altro che la loica particolare come dice Averroè.…

Fabio Benvoglienti's Discorso sopra la materia de gli affetti is conceived as an introduction to (and compendium of) Aristotle's discussion of passions in Rhetoric, book 2. After a short preamble in which the Author explains Aristotle's priority in…

The Discorso sopra la felicità  humana is a short treatise in the form of a lecture mainly dealing with the notion of human happiness and the distinction between contemplative and active life. The main source is Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, often…

The lecture addressed to Eleonora de Toledo, member of the Accademia degli Alterati under the name of "Ardente", is conceived as a general discussion of Alessandro Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotle's Poetics, the Annotationi nel libro della…

The anonymous Discorso focuses on Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 2, and more specifically deals with the so-called movimento degli affetti. Other Aristotelian works such as the treatise On the Soul are mentioned.

As the author affirms in the dedication letter to cardinal Flavio Orsini, the Discorso aims at demonstrating the immortality of the soul through a critical consideration of Aristotle's statements on the topic as well as his later readers and…

The anonymous discorso on justice is basically based on Aristotle, though the text refers to other philosophers such as Plato; an interesting reference to Donato Acciaiuoli as an interpreter of Aristotle is made (f. 116r).

The Discorso was written in 1565 by Francesco De Vieri on the occasion of Francesco I de Medici's wedding; it is thus dedicated to the duke and his wife, Johanna of Austria. The work, conceived as a thorough discussion of philosophy and its…

The brief treatise by Robortello, witnessed by miscellaneous manuscripts, deals with topics and discusses Aristotelian principles from the Prior Analytics, which are presented as a fundamental source for the rational faculties (Rhetoric, Poetics,…

The Discorso (which is divided into two different discorsi) draws from several sources: though the main frame of the work is platonic, there is a section entirely devoted to Aristotle's teachings in the field of rhetoric (ff. 253v-256r).

The Discorso breve, dedicated to Alfonso Cavazzi, count of Somaglia, opens with a polemical preamble referring to a previous work by Bernardino Baldini (Bernardini Baldini Lusus ad m. Antonium Baldinum fratris filium, Milan: 1586). The short…

As the author affirms in the dedication letter, the Discorsi, to which Pona refers as Lezioni morali, were given at the Accademia Filarmonica in Verona. After a preamble and a commentary on the title, the commentator quotes passages from Nicomachean…

As Albergati states in the preface letter to cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, he had been asked to write the work by cardinal Francisco de Toledo Herrera in order to reprobate Jean Bodin's political theories by means of a strong defence of Aristotle's.…

Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…

Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…
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