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The anonymous work, probably written at the end of the 16th c., is a paraphrase of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics which covers all the 10 books. Some of the books have specific titles.

Paper; ff. 122; mm. Title on spine: 'Morale / cavata / da / Aristot'.

The Mascalcia is probably linked to the pseudo-Aristotelian De omnibus infirmitatibus equorum (cf. Vatican City, BAV, ms. Ott. Lat. 2412, ff. 101-112, as mentioned by Schmitt and Knox 1985), though Poulle-Drieux 1996 attributes the work to Giordano…

Paper; ff. I, 1, 50, I; mm. 300_225; 8 folios missing at the beginning; text in 2 columns; drawings at ff. 45v.50v; at f. 46r: 'E questo libro ene di [...]andro di Giovanni di Firenze'. The first part of the text is missing. Together with mss.…
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