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Parchment; mm. 350_246; ff. [i], 59, [i]. Gothic textbook script. The illuminated initials of the three books (1r, 20r, 50v) represent the Philosopher observing respectively heavens, waters and winds, which are the three main subjects the Metaura…

Paper; mm. 300_230; ff. [ii], 3, 82, [i]. Gothic notary script. The ms. contains 1. La Metaura (ff. 1r-69v); 2. 'Capitoli della pace conclusa nel 1428 tra Firenze, Venezia e il duca di Milano' (ff. 70v-71v); 3. 'Orazione tenuta da Leonardo d'Arezzo,…

Paper; mm. 290_220; ff. [iv], 73, [i]. Lines per page, 36/39. Gothic Italic script. Red rubrics.

Paper; mm. 325_230; ff. [ii], 97, [ii]. Lines per page 30. Gothic textbook script. Scribe's signature at f. 97r: 'Finito fu questo libro et questa opera adi ventiquattro di março M.ccccciii Laus Deo Jesus Maria Questo libro è di Giovanpagolo di…

Paper; mm. 290_216; ff. [viii], 42, [vii]. Two columns, lines 35/46. Gothic notary script. The ms. contains La Metaura (ff. 1ra-35va), Cicero's De Senectute (ff. 35va-42ra), medical instructions (f. 42va-b).

Paper; mm. 283_213; ff. [iv], 65, [iii]. Two columns, lines 42/43. Gothic notary script. Illuminated initial of book I represents the Philosopher staring at the stars. Later binding in parchment (Corsini collection).

Paper; 24/25 lines per page; gothic/chancery script. The ms. contains a vernacular translation of the first part of Matthew's Gospel (ff. 5r-6r), followed by La Metaura (ff. 11r-156r).

Paper; ff. 58 + 9 (blank); mm. 339_234; old binding in wood and vellum; 2 columns, 37 lines. Watermark: cf. Briquet 3373 (a. 1460s-1470s; though it is not exactly the same).

8°. *4, A-L8, M4. ff. [4], 92. mm. 95×148. Roman. Titles of chapters and paragraphs in Italics.

The anonymous 14th c. translation of Aristotle's Meteorology had a wide manuscript circulation (7 copies extant) before being published in 1554. The so-called Metaura plays a main role in the history of medieval translations of Aristotle into Italian…

8°; +4, A8-Q8, R4; ff. [4], 132; mm.

8°. A-M8, N4. ff. 100: [2 pp.], 167 pp. [i.e. 197 pp.], [1 p.]. Text in italics; titles of paragraphs in roman. 85×141.

The printed edition is a collection of three different philosophical works: the book opens with Epictetus' Moral Philosophy, goes on with the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On Virtues and Vices and ends up with Plutarch's On Brotherly Love. Each…

Francesco de Vieri's La morale filosofia is a sort of compendium of moral philosophy much indebted to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, though not exclusively based on Aristotelian materials. Ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. XXI.147 is a rough copy, rich in…

Paper; ff. I, II, 110, [4], I; mm. 150_215. Possibly autograph by Francesco De Vieri. Rough copy with corrections and erasures.

8°. *4 A-Z8 AA-EE8 FF4. ff. 232: [4], 252 [i.e. 225], 3. Text in roman; titles of paragraphs in italics. 100×150 mm.
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