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The academic oration is assigned by a later hand to Francesco Sommari who read it in the School of Simone della Rocca (cf. gloss in ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. VII.1207). Even though quite far from being an original text, the oration is widely based on…

Paper; ff. II, p. 822, ff. [5], II; mm. 200_268. Date at f. IIr: '3 Nov. 1613', and f. [1]r: '8 Ag. 1614'. Titles on spine: 'Parafrase del con. / Pomponio Torelli so / pra l'Etica'; 'Parafrase del conte Pomponio Torelli sopra l'Etica d'Arist. m.s.'.

The paraphrase is copied after Torelli's death (1608). The work opens with an introduction which focuses on the main issues to be discussed in the paraphrase. Torelli turns sometimes to poetical examples from the Italian tradition in order to explain…

This is the Italian translation of Alessandro Piccolomini's In Mechanicas Quaestiones Aristotelis Paraphrasis paulo quidem plenior (Rome: Antonio Blado, 1547).

Paper; ff. [9], 86, [4 blank], [9]; mm. 280_195.

The work, unfinished, covers books I-III of Aristotle's Ethics. The introduction focuses on the main purposes of the interpreter underlining the difficulty of previous Aristotelian translations. The work is presented as the Italian translation of a…

8°. a6, A-V8, X2. ff. 163. Dedication roman, preface and chapter titles italics, text roman. mm. 100×152.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 333, I; mm. 340_220.

Antonio Riccobono, previously asked to explain a passage from Aristotle's Politics concerning Hyppodamus's republic, writes to Cosimo Concini referring to a dispute which involved scholars such as Marc-Antoine Muret and Pietro Vettori. In the…
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