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This is an incomplete commentary on the Poetics which seems to be lacking in references to other authors. There are several marginal annotations. The old Magliabechi catalogue refers it to Leonardo Salviati, but there is no certain relation with the…

The anonymous translator (who presents himself as a pupil of Agostino Nifo) dedicates his version of Aristotle's Physiognomy - which is translated into Italian from Latin, as stated in the preface - to an unnamed ruler. The translator refers to the…

The work is part of a larger section on bees which includes excerpts from a vernacular translation of Pliny's Natural History (Trattato delle pecchie secondo Plinio libro XI, ff. 153r-180v). The translation of Aristotle is based on the Latin version…

The short work is a collection of sentences from the pseudo-Aristotelian Letters. In the ms. Bologna, BU, 3658 it is copied within a miscellaneous collection of moral works including Cecco d'Ascoli's Acerba and the famous Fiore di virtù.

The text is a sort of paraphrase of Aristotle's Ethics divided into 5 books. As confirmed by Frati and Segarizzi 1909: I, 291, the work is not simply a translation, but a treatise very based on the Nicomachean Ethics.

As stated by Frati and Segarizzi in regards to ms. Venice, BNM, It. II.2, the compendium is not the same as Taddeo Alderotti's (Frati and Segarizzi 1909: 192). This is - at least for the moment - the only extant witness for such work. The text is…

The anonymous translation of the Economics is witnessed by a manuscript (Venice, BNM, It. II.134) in which the text appears as part of a compilation including a compendium of the Ethics (largely coinciding with Taddeo Alderotti's) and vernacular…

The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise De perfecto magisterio deals with alchemic issues. The original text is accessible in J.-J. Manget, Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa (Geneva: 1702), I, 641A.

The anonymous treatise opens with general references to Aristotle's Metaphysics and Ethics in order to criticise the idea that God might be angry and, hence, imperfect. Other references to the Aristotelian notion of virtue follows; other sources…

The anonymous author of the dialogue stages two Spanish characters — Francesco di Bargas and Iacobo Casaglia from Malaga: both disciples of a certain Gian Rodrighes (Juan Rodriguez), they discuss the recent publication of a Latin dialogue by Antonio…

The anonymous compendium of Aristotle's Politics might be dated around 1598 (the text is followed in the ms. Rome, BVall, R 55 by a document copied by the same hand in 1598). An other copy of the work, copied by the same scribe, but in a more cursive…

The anonymous compendium follow the general structure of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as well as the division in 10 books. The work is completed by a short summary of the Ethics.

The anonymous Lezione del coito deals with the notion of coitus drawing not only from Aristotle, but from Galen and Hippocrates as well. The author refers to Aristotelian works such as On generation of animals, On the soul, Problems. The text is…

After a long introduction, Aristotle's text is divided into 44 particelle, translated and thoroughly commented. The introduction deserves attention for it is rich in general remarks on the importance of Logic as the main rational faculty. It is very…

The work is an astronomical treatise dealing with the planets' orbits. It is commonly attributed to Aristotle.

The Mascalcia is probably linked to the pseudo-Aristotelian De omnibus infirmitatibus equorum (cf. Vatican City, BAV, ms. Ott. Lat. 2412, ff. 101-112, as mentioned by Schmitt and Knox 1985), though Poulle-Drieux 1996 attributes the work to Giordano…

The short work is made up of two sections: the Italian translation of a passage from Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 2, on friendship is followed by a thorough commentary which draws on Aristotelian sources as well as biblical ones. Some Greek passages…

The anonymous 14th c. translation of Aristotle's Meteorology had a wide manuscript circulation (7 copies extant) before being published in 1554. The so-called Metaura plays a main role in the history of medieval translations of Aristotle into Italian…

The Compendio de i morali d'Aristotele is much more than a compendium of the Ethics, as it appears just looking at the very small number of pages. After a brief definition of soul, will and virtue, the author distinguishes between intellectual…

8°. *4, A-L8, M4. ff. [4], 92. mm. 95×148. Roman. Titles of chapters and paragraphs in Italics.

8°. A4-D4. ff. 16. mm. 140×95.

Paper; ff. II, 328, 33 blank; mm. 130_200.

Paper; ff. 124; mm. 190_260.

Paper; ff. I, 353, IV; mm. 152_200.
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