The Discorso sopra la felicità humana is a short treatise in the form of a lecture mainly dealing with the notion of human happiness and the distinction between contemplative and active life. The main source is Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, often…
Francesco de Vieri's La morale filosofia is a sort of compendium of moral philosophy much indebted to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, though not exclusively based on Aristotelian materials. Ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. XXI.147 is a rough copy, rich in…
Fulvio Malatesta's translation of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, book 1, is dedicated to the Duke of Urbino, Guidobaldo II, and witnesses the importance of Urbino as a centre for the vernacular diffusion of Aristotelian works (cf. the later…
Vittorio Venturelli translated and commented on Aristotle's Meteorology for the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II Della Rovere. The work opens with a dedicatory epistle followed by a complete accessus which has the function of a general introduction…
Vittorio Venturelli's translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Parva Naturalia follows the same author's version of Aristotle's Meteorology. The two works are in fact part of the same project addressed to the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II…
Giuseppe Valdagni comments, on behest of Count Alfonso Caprioli (who was a member of the Accademia degli Occulti in Brescia), on a controversial passage from Plato's Republic as well as on Aristotle's critique of the same passage in Politics, book 5.…
The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's logical works (On interpretation and Posterior Analytics) is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On the…
The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's logical works (On interpretation and Posterior Analytics) is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On the…
The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's On the Heavens and On generation and corruption is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On interpretation…
The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's On the Heavens and On generation and corruption is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On interpretation…
The Discorso breve, dedicated to Alfonso Cavazzi, count of Somaglia, opens with a polemical preamble referring to a previous work by Bernardino Baldini (Bernardini Baldini Lusus ad m. Antonium Baldinum fratris filium, Milan: 1586). The short…