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  • Collection: Aristotelian works

Del Rosso's translation of Aristotle's On the Soul is dedicated to Francesco de Medici. Ms. Pal. 800 seems to be an autograph dedication copy. In the preface the author gives some interesting remarks on the method of translating.

Paolo Del Rosso's La fisica is an interesting example of poetical reworking of Aristotle's Physics. The work is conceived as a compendium of the treatise, but it is largely indebted to Dante's poetry as well, in terms of both structure and content.…

The Trattato de' costumi, attributed to Luigi Dal Portello (who signs the preface letter to Niccolò Valier) by Risse, is in fact the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book II. As one gets from the identity of the publisher, such work might be…

The translation is dedicated to Francesco Maria II della Rovere by the obscure Tito Corneo d'Urbino. The preface is dated 8 September 1617. The extant manuscript Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 1331 is a beautiful dedication copy with layout inspired by…

Stefano Conventi's Discorsi peripatetici et platonici is an interesting example of a reworking of a previous text written and published in Latin by the same author, De ascensu mentis in deum, ex Platonica et Peripatetica doctrina libri sex (Venice:…

Antonio Colombella, member of the Augustinian order, dedicates this translation of the Nicomachean Ethics - apparently based on the Latin text by Robert Grosseteste - to the young nobleman and merchant Pancrazio Giustiniani. The work includes an…

Cesano's Ethics, which is a sort of paraphrase of Aristotle's Ethics, is dedicated to cardinal Ippolito II Este of Ferrara (cf. Fabroni 1792: 383-403); the work covers books I-IV. Since the author, who died in 1568, worked for Ippolito as of 1540,…

The curious work by Decio Celere is basically a translation of his friend Pietro Bongo's Numerorum mystheria,opus maximarum rerum doctrina et copia repertum, in quo mirus in primis, idemque perpetuus Arithmeticae Pythagoricae cum Divinae Paginae…

The treatise — dedicated to Neri di Gino Capponi — is divided in three books, respectively dealing with the government of oneself, the government of the family and the government of the civitas (whereas books I and II systematically draw on…

Annibal Caro's translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, completed - as the original autograph ms. now in the Ambrosiana (O 120 sup.) confirms - in 1551, was not printed until 1570. The original ms. shows quite a substantial revision of the text and would…

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…

This partial translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 1, from the Latin version by Daniele Barbaro might be attributed to Camillo II Capilupi, whose hand - according to Gasparrini 1939 - would be responsible for several texts included in ms. Rome,…

The treatise on the soul by the dominican Jacopo Campora from Genova, written in Bruges in 1432 and dedicated to the Venetian merchant Giovanni Marcanova, who put Campora up on the occasion of his stay in London, had a wide circulation both in mss.…
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