The work is a thorough discussion of Aristotle's theory of dreams mainly based on the three Parva Naturalia which deal with the topic (On Sleep, On Dreams, On Divination in Sleep) as well as on Aristotle's On the Soul. As stated by the author of the…
Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…
Paolo Del Rosso's La fisica is an interesting example of poetical reworking of Aristotle's Physics. The work is conceived as a compendium of the treatise, but it is largely indebted to Dante's poetry as well, in terms of both structure and content.…
Breventano's treatise on the natural elements opens with an interesting preface to the readers in which the author explains the importance of disseminating scientific culture not only through translations and commentaries, but through compendia as…
The Trattato is conceived as a development of some remarks given in the Trattato degli elementi. The work is introduced by a preface to the readers which summarises what the author had written in the preface to the previous work. NEED TO CHECK AN…