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4°; a-e4; ff. [20], pp. 40. Preface in Italics, text in Roman with Latin quotations in Italics. mm. 160×220.

As the author affirms in the dedication letter, the Discorsi, to which Pona refers as Lezioni morali, were given at the Accademia Filarmonica in Verona. After a preamble and a commentary on the title, the commentator quotes passages from Nicomachean…

8°. [A]-I4. ff. [36]. Gothic script. mm. 105×150.

8°; ff. 38; Roman type.

4°. a4, a-d4, A-O4, P6; ff. [4], pp. 29, [3], pp. 122. Text in Roman. mm. 145×200.

Orazio Marta's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics was published after the death of the author by Carlo Tramontano, who signs the dedication letter to the Count of Lemos. The work appeared within a collection of Marta's Rime et prose which includes…

4°; ff. [8], 242, [2]. [*]4,†4, A-Z4, AA-ZZ4, AAa-PPp4.

The work is a treatise of moral philosophy conceived as a pedagogical tool since it follows the education and training of a noble man (gentiluomo) from childhood to first maturity. It is a sort of compendium/paraphrase of Aristotle's Ethics, but book…

4°.†-†††4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ttt4. ff. [i], [12], 260. mm. 155×215.
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