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Relevant unit: paper; ff. 154-169 + [3] blank. mm. 222_310. Autogr.

Pompeo Vizzani's Delle meteore, written in 1587, is a brief compendium of meteorology. As it is usually the case with Vizzani's works, sources are not explicitly mentioned, but the Aristotelian frame of the text is rather evident. The work is…

Paper; misc.; ff. III, 389; mm. 282_212. Autograph. Relevant unit (n°2): ff. 15.

The anonymous translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric witnessed by ms. Modena, BEU, It. 225 appears as a beautifully written copy which follows formal standards of contemporary printed books. No dedicatee is mentioned. The translation covers the three…

Paper; ff. I, 158, I; mm. 145_205. Beautiful copy by a 17th c. cursive calligraphic hand; decorated title-page; each page is framed (mm. 115_168). Title on spine: 'Aristoteles / Rhetorica / XVII s.'.

Panfilo Persico conceived this work as a compendium of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. The manuscript copy (Vatican City, ASV,Borghese IV.16) is a first version, dedicated to cardinal Scipione Borghese Caffarelli, who was a renown Aristotelian…
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