Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…
Stefano Conventi's Discorsi peripatetici et platonici is an interesting example of a reworking of a previous text written and published in Latin by the same author, De ascensu mentis in deum, ex Platonica et Peripatetica doctrina libri sex (Venice:…
Fabio Benvoglienti's Discorso sopra la materia de gli affetti is conceived as an introduction to (and compendium of) Aristotle's discussion of passions in Rhetoric, book 2. After a short preamble in which the Author explains Aristotle's priority in…
The curious work by Decio Celere is basically a translation of his friend Pietro Bongo's Numerorum mystheria,opus maximarum rerum doctrina et copia repertum, in quo mirus in primis, idemque perpetuus Arithmeticae Pythagoricae cum Divinae Paginae…