Browse Items (986 total)

Parchm.; ff. 76; mm. 166_237. Titles and rubrics in red. Modern binding. The text is divided into 99 chapters.

Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…

The anonymous compendium follow the general structure of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as well as the division in 10 books. The work is completed by a short summary of the Ethics.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 821, I; old binding. Title on spine: 'Erudizioni / & altre / cose curiose'. Unit 7, mm. 200_270, ff. 170r-206r.

The Compendio de i morali d'Aristotele is much more than a compendium of the Ethics, as it appears just looking at the very small number of pages. After a brief definition of soul, will and virtue, the author distinguishes between intellectual…

8°. A4-D4. ff. 16. mm. 140×95.

The text (witnessed by ms. Vatican City, BAV, Ott. Lat. 2196) is unfortunately almost illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios. Almost nothing is known about the author (an other work by him in Florence, BNC, ms. IX.139). As…

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

8°. A-M8. ff. 96. Text roman.

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [II], 684, [II].Measures variable. Relevant unit: mm. 275_200.
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