Browse Items (252 total)

  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Natural Philosophy"

8°; +4, A8-Q8, R4; ff. [4], 132; mm.

8°; a-e8; ff. 40

8°. a6, A-V8, X2. ff. 163. Dedication roman, preface and chapter titles italics, text roman. mm. 100×152.

4°. a4,††4,†††4,††††4, A-Z4, Aa-Kk4. ff. [16], pp. 261. Dedication letter italics, text roman. mm. 160×240.

4°. A-K4. ff. xxxvi. Dedication and text roman. mm. 150×210.

8°. A-D4, E2. ff. 18. Dedication and text italics. mm. 100x150.
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