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  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Natural Philosophy"

The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's On the Heavens and On generation and corruption is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On interpretation…

The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's On the Heavens and On generation and corruption is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On interpretation…

Vittorio Venturelli's translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Parva Naturalia follows the same author's version of Aristotle's Meteorology. The two works are in fact part of the same project addressed to the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II…

Vittorio Venturelli translated and commented on Aristotle's Meteorology for the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II Della Rovere. The work opens with a dedicatory epistle followed by a complete accessus which has the function of a general introduction…

Pompeo Vizzani's Delle meteore, written in 1587, is a brief compendium of meteorology. As it is usually the case with Vizzani's works, sources are not explicitly mentioned, but the Aristotelian frame of the text is rather evident. The work is…

Francesco de Vieri's Lezzioni d'amore are two lectures held at the Accademia Fiorentina in 1556. The work is conceived as a thorough commentary on Guido Cavalcanti's Donna me prega. Though their main subject is love, the two lectures are largely…

The Breve ragionamento follows in the ms. Florence, BNC, Magl.XII.12 a Latin work by the same author on a similar subject (Epilogus doctrinam Aristotelis de anima quam brevissime complectens, ff. 4r-25v), dedicated - as the Italian one - to the duke…

Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…

The complete title of the anonymous work is Discorso ove si pruova che per questa parola pedia overo peritia che usa Aristotile nel principio del primo libro de parti d'animali non si possa intender altro che la loica particolare come dice Averroè.…

The anonymous work is a paraphrase of some sections from Aristotle's Problemata dealing with issues of natural philosophy ('seconda particula del sudore', 'terza particula dell'imbriachezza', 'vigesima settima particula della timidità ') as well as…

The anonymous translator (who presents himself as a pupil of Agostino Nifo) dedicates his version of Aristotle's Physiognomy - which is translated into Italian from Latin, as stated in the preface - to an unnamed ruler. The translator refers to the…

The work is part of a larger section on bees which includes excerpts from a vernacular translation of Pliny's Natural History (Trattato delle pecchie secondo Plinio libro XI, ff. 153r-180v). The translation of Aristotle is based on the Latin version…

The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise De perfecto magisterio deals with alchemic issues. The original text is accessible in J.-J. Manget, Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa (Geneva: 1702), I, 641A.

The Trattato is a summary of Aristotelian mistakes in the field of natural philosophy, with a special focus on cosmography and heavens. The author, Giovanni Maria Benedetti, refers to several Aristotelian passages as well as to more recent authors…

The anonymous author of the dialogue stages two Spanish characters — Francesco di Bargas and Iacobo Casaglia from Malaga: both disciples of a certain Gian Rodrighes (Juan Rodriguez), they discuss the recent publication of a Latin dialogue by Antonio…

The anonymous Lezione del coito deals with the notion of coitus drawing not only from Aristotle, but from Galen and Hippocrates as well. The author refers to Aristotelian works such as On generation of animals, On the soul, Problems. The text is…

The work is an astronomical treatise dealing with the planets' orbits. It is commonly attributed to Aristotle.

The work, dedicated to Francesco Sansovino (1521-1583) collects several philosophers' opinion on the power the dead have in understanding what happens among the living. The first paragraph is devoted to Aristotle (f. 47r-v). Following paragraphs:…

The Discorso deals with a passage from Aristotle's Problemata. It is rich in Aristotelian references from the works of natural philosophy.

In the preface to Franceco Maria II della Rovere, duke of Urbino, the author explains that his work on the soul is based both on Aristotle and Galen.

Del Rosso's translation of Aristotle's On the Soul is dedicated to Francesco de Medici. Ms. Pal. 800 seems to be an autograph dedication copy. In the preface the author gives some interesting remarks on the method of translating.

The translation is dedicated to Francesco Maria II della Rovere by the obscure Tito Corneo d'Urbino. The preface is dated 8 September 1617. The extant manuscript Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 1331 is a beautiful dedication copy with layout inspired by…

Ercole Bottrigari's translation of Aristotle's On Breath, dated 1606, follows the translation of an other Aristotelian short treatise (On Things Heard). The two works are part of the same translation project and witness the translator's interest in…

Ercole Bottrigari's translation of Aristotle's On Things Heard, dated 1606, is followed by the translation of an other Aristotelian short treatise (On Breath). The two works are part of the same translation project and witness the translator's…

This is a vernacular translation of Aristotle's Problemata, XIX, On harmony. As we know from other works by Bartoli, he was very interested in Greek theories of music and musical harmony.
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