The anonymous compendium of Aristotle's Politics might be dated around 1598 (the text is followed in the ms. Rome, BVall, R 55 by a document copied by the same hand in 1598). An other copy of the work, copied by the same scribe, but in a more cursive…
Paper; ff. 113; mm. 200_275. Possibly autograph; written by a single hand (the same which copies the preface of the Instituzione in ms. Ricc. 2589). Old (probably original) binding in cardboard and parchment with golden decorations. This might be –…
Paper; ff. [2], 201, [2]; mm. 200_265; original binding in parchment. Beautiful copy written in an elegant cursive hand (early 17th c.). The Institutione at ff. 3r-38v; the Compendio at ff. 39r-196v.
At the age of 81, the Aristotelian philosopher Francesco Piccolomini wrote the Instituzione del principe and the Compendio della scienza civile dedicating the two works respectively to the young prince Cosimo de Medici and to his mother, the Grand…
Panfilo Persico conceived this work as a compendium of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. The manuscript copy (Vatican City, ASV,Borghese IV.16) is a first version, dedicated to cardinal Scipione Borghese Caffarelli, who was a renown Aristotelian…
As Albergati states in the preface letter to cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, he had been asked to write the work by cardinal Francisco de Toledo Herrera in order to reprobate Jean Bodin's political theories by means of a strong defence of Aristotle's.…