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  • Genre is exactly "Compendium"

Francesco de Vieri's La morale filosofia is a sort of compendium of moral philosophy much indebted to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, though not exclusively based on Aristotelian materials. Ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. XXI.147 is a rough copy, rich in…

Pompeo Vizzani's Delle meteore, written in 1587, is a brief compendium of meteorology. As it is usually the case with Vizzani's works, sources are not explicitly mentioned, but the Aristotelian frame of the text is rather evident. The work is…

Pompeo Vizzani's Compendio della scienza dei costumi, dedicated to the author's nephew, Camillo, is in essence a summary paraphrase of Books III—V and again VIII of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, with attention centred on the various virtues. The…

The collection of tables and diagrams is meant to work as a compendium of logic. The anonymous author gives an interesting remark as introduction to the work: 'Le Tavole che comprendono molte cose in poche parole e con vago ordine, aiutano…

The two treatises form a sort of compendium of ethics and rhetoric slavishly based on Aristotle's works.

As stated by Frati and Segarizzi in regards to ms. Venice, BNM, It. II.2, the compendium is not the same as Taddeo Alderotti's (Frati and Segarizzi 1909: 192). This is - at least for the moment - the only extant witness for such work. The text is…

The anonymous treatise opens with general references to Aristotle's Metaphysics and Ethics in order to criticise the idea that God might be angry and, hence, imperfect. Other references to the Aristotelian notion of virtue follows; other sources…

The anonymous compendium of Aristotle's Politics might be dated around 1598 (the text is followed in the ms. Rome, BVall, R 55 by a document copied by the same hand in 1598). An other copy of the work, copied by the same scribe, but in a more cursive…

The anonymous compendium follow the general structure of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as well as the division in 10 books. The work is completed by a short summary of the Ethics.

The work is a compendium mainly based on Aristotle: it is made up of three trattati respectively dealing with the definition of habitus-passion-virtue, virtues and friendship. The author refers to other classical sources as well (such as Cicero,…

Though Aristotle is rarely mentioned, the Introduzione alla morale is clearly based on the Nicomachean Ethics, as it appears from the long section on virtues as medium terms among opposite vices, as well as in the final section on justice. The work…

The compendium follows the structure and mostly the contents of the Nicomachean Ethics, so that this is very close to being a shortened paraphrase. The only part really missing seems to be that on contemplation in Book X and that on the problem of…

For an overview on Nicolò Anglico's compendium of the Ethics, cf. Marchesi 1904.

At the age of 81, the Aristotelian philosopher Francesco Piccolomini wrote the Instituzione del principe and the Compendio della scienza civile dedicating the two works respectively to the young prince Cosimo de Medici and to his mother, the Grand…

The Compendio de i morali d'Aristotele is much more than a compendium of the Ethics, as it appears just looking at the very small number of pages. After a brief definition of soul, will and virtue, the author distinguishes between intellectual…

8°. A4-D4. ff. 16. mm. 140×95.

Paper; ff. I, II, 110, [4], I; mm. 150_215. Possibly autograph by Francesco De Vieri. Rough copy with corrections and erasures.

Paper; misc.; ff. III, 389; mm. 282_212. Autograph. Relevant unit (n°2): ff. 15.

Paper; misc.; ff. III, 389; mm. 282_212. Autograph. Relevant unit (n°1): ff. 12.

Paper; misc.; ff. III, 389; mm. 282_212. Relevant unit (n°12): ff. 42. Autograph.

Paper; ff. [2], 201, [2]; mm. 200_265; original binding in parchment. Beautiful copy written in an elegant cursive hand (early 17th c.). The Institutione at ff. 3r-38v; the Compendio at ff. 39r-196v.

Paper; ff. [3], 112, [7]; old binding in parchment; title on spine: 'Piccolomini / Morale'; mm. 248_180.

Paper; ff. [2] + 140; mm. 210_150. Binding in parchment.
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