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Stefano Conventi's Discorsi peripatetici et platonici is an interesting example of a reworking of a previous text written and published in Latin by the same author, De ascensu mentis in deum, ex Platonica et Peripatetica doctrina libri sex (Venice:…

4°; [A]2, B-Q4; ff. [2], 59, [1]. Epistle in Rome, text in Italics.

The commentary opens with an introduction in which the author — a member of the Accademia degli Alterati — gives some remarks on his notion of poetry in its relations to ethics and politics. Aristotle's Poetics is divided into several particelle;…

Paper; misc., comp.; mm. 330_240; ff. 175 (1r-51r, 81r-126v: autogr. Filippo Sassetti; 62r-77v: other hand; 132r onwards: other hand). Binding in parchment.

Cf. modern edition in Weinberg, Trattati.

8°. *4 A-Z8 AA-EE8 FF4. ff. 232: [4], 252 [i.e. 225], 3. Text in roman; titles of paragraphs in italics. 100×150 mm.

Paper; ff. I, II, 110, [4], I; mm. 150_215. Possibly autograph by Francesco De Vieri. Rough copy with corrections and erasures.

Francesco de Vieri's La morale filosofia is a sort of compendium of moral philosophy much indebted to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, though not exclusively based on Aristotelian materials. Ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. XXI.147 is a rough copy, rich in…

The printed edition is a collection of three different philosophical works: the book opens with Epictetus' Moral Philosophy, goes on with the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On Virtues and Vices and ends up with Plutarch's On Brotherly Love. Each…

8°. A-M8, N4. ff. 100: [2 pp.], 167 pp. [i.e. 197 pp.], [1 p.]. Text in italics; titles of paragraphs in roman. 85×141.

8°; +4, A8-Q8, R4; ff. [4], 132; mm.

The anonymous 14th c. translation of Aristotle's Meteorology had a wide manuscript circulation (7 copies extant) before being published in 1554. The so-called Metaura plays a main role in the history of medieval translations of Aristotle into Italian…
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