Browse Items (986 total)

8°. *4, A-L8, M4. ff. [4], 92. mm. 95×148. Roman. Titles of chapters and paragraphs in Italics.

Paper; ff. 58 + 9 (blank); mm. 339_234; old binding in wood and vellum; 2 columns, 37 lines. Watermark: cf. Briquet 3373 (a. 1460s-1470s; though it is not exactly the same).

Paper; 24/25 lines per page; gothic/chancery script. The ms. contains a vernacular translation of the first part of Matthew's Gospel (ff. 5r-6r), followed by La Metaura (ff. 11r-156r).

Paper; mm. 283_213; ff. [iv], 65, [iii]. Two columns, lines 42/43. Gothic notary script. Illuminated initial of book I represents the Philosopher staring at the stars. Later binding in parchment (Corsini collection).

Paper; mm. 290_216; ff. [viii], 42, [vii]. Two columns, lines 35/46. Gothic notary script. The ms. contains La Metaura (ff. 1ra-35va), Cicero's De Senectute (ff. 35va-42ra), medical instructions (f. 42va-b).

Paper; mm. 325_230; ff. [ii], 97, [ii]. Lines per page 30. Gothic textbook script. Scribe's signature at f. 97r: 'Finito fu questo libro et questa opera adi ventiquattro di março M.ccccciii Laus Deo Jesus Maria Questo libro è di Giovanpagolo di…

Paper; mm. 290_220; ff. [iv], 73, [i]. Lines per page, 36/39. Gothic Italic script. Red rubrics.

Paper; mm. 300_230; ff. [ii], 3, 82, [i]. Gothic notary script. The ms. contains 1. La Metaura (ff. 1r-69v); 2. 'Capitoli della pace conclusa nel 1428 tra Firenze, Venezia e il duca di Milano' (ff. 70v-71v); 3. 'Orazione tenuta da Leonardo d'Arezzo,…

Parchment; mm. 350_246; ff. [i], 59, [i]. Gothic textbook script. The illuminated initials of the three books (1r, 20r, 50v) represent the Philosopher observing respectively heavens, waters and winds, which are the three main subjects the Metaura…

8°. A-S4. ff. 70, [2]. Dedication italics, text roman. mm. 105×155.

The translation is dedicated to Francesco Maria II della Rovere by the obscure Tito Corneo d'Urbino. The preface is dated 8 September 1617. The extant manuscript Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 1331 is a beautiful dedication copy with layout inspired by…

Paper; ff. [3 blank], [3], 374, [2 blank]; mm. 261_190. Beautiful dedication copy; the layout follows the typical mise en page of printed books.

Paolo Del Rosso's La fisica is an interesting example of poetical reworking of Aristotle's Physics. The work is conceived as a compendium of the treatise, but it is largely indebted to Dante's poetry as well, in terms of both structure and content.…

8°. A4, B-G8, H4. ff. 56: [4], 52 [103p + 1p n.n.]. 97×150 mm. Text in italics. Notes in roman.

Paper; miscellaneous; binding in cardboard; ff. 171; title: 'Discorsi e poesie varie'. The manuscript is a miscellaneous containing several works by different authors (including Leon Battista Alberti and Luigi Alamanni) and related to the circle of…

Paper, ff. [ii], 46, [2], [iii]; mm. 281_210. Binding in cardboard, spine in leather with gold decorations. Autograph manuscript by Jacopo Corbinelli, and not by the author himself, as stated by a later hand on a smaller sheet of paper inserted…

The first part is a critical discussion of rainbow and its nature (the work opens with a defence of the 'new philosophy' based on the sensate esperienze: Galileo is obviously mentioned). The second part is a thorough commentary of the section on the…

4°. [*]3, a-d4, [*]2, A-M4, N6. Roman, Latin text italics. mm. 140×205.
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