Browse Items (986 total)

Paper; misc.; ff. 80. Old binding (possibly original) in wood and vellum. The Amherst copy is very close in format and layout to the printed edition of 1472. The text is followed by an anonymous Latin treatise De defferentia inter spiritum et animam…

Parchment, ff. [v], 83, [v]. mm. 220_145. Original binding in wood and vellum. Illuminated initials at ff. 1r, 55v, 55v. Campora's treatise - here dedicated to Bernardo Giustiniani instead of Giovanni Marcanova, as it is the case in other witnesses…

Paper, misc., comp.; ff. [i], 263, [i]. mm. 205_150. Later binding in parchment. Layout of the section concerned (1r-48v) mm. 95_150, 27 lines. The treatise is followed by Francesco Petrarca's canzone Vergine bella che di sol vestita (RVF, 366)…

Paper, ff. [ii], 188 (blank 59-60, 185-188) , [i], [i]; mm. 218_145. Layout mm. 80_140; 26 lines. Modern binding in cardboard (19th c.). Written by a single hand. The treatise on the immortality of the soul by Campora is followed by Saint Antonino…

Paper; ff. [II], 122, [V]; original binding in cardboard. Title on spine: 'Galeazzo / Florimonte / Etica d' / Aristot'. Old inventory number on spine: '26'. The name of Benedetto Varchi, owner of the ms., appears not only on the title-page, but also…

Paper, ff. [i], 203 [blank 195-203]; mm. 203_146. Original binding in parchment, damaged spine. Watermark at ff. 195-196, 199-200 cf. Briquet 9970. The title is written on an old and damaged label on the spine: 'Galeazzo Florimonte / da Sessa /…

Paper, ff. [ii], 46, [2], [iii]; mm. 281_210. Binding in cardboard, spine in leather with gold decorations. Autograph manuscript by Jacopo Corbinelli, and not by the author himself, as stated by a later hand on a smaller sheet of paper inserted…

Paper; ff. I, 47, I; 15th c. (1471); rubrics in red; decorated initial at f. 1r; 24 lines. Original binding in wood and vellum (with decorations). Names of cited authors in red on the margins.

Parchment; 15th c. (1448); ff. I, 29, I; text in two columns; original binding in wood and vellum; 35 lines.
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