Folio; [*]1, a7, b-c6, d5. ff. [25]. mm. 180×265. Roman type. Layout: 130×200, text in 2 columns. Initials of paragraphs in red or blue (ms. coloured). Modern binding.
Paper; miscellaneous by a single scribe; mm. 210_300; 2 columns; red rubrics, initials in red or blue, some of them illuminated; ff. [I] + 4 (mm. 150_210) + [8] + 225 + [4] + [I]. Modern binding. At f. 1r not numb. title by a modern hand: 'Libro…
Paper; ff. 56; mm. 145_197. Layout: 86_125. Lines per page: 22. Original binding in wood and vellum with stamped decorations. Beautiful humanistic script, with marginal red rubrics. Some faults of binding towards the end (correct sequence of folios:…
Paper; ff. [II], 174, [I]; mm. 236_170. Cursive chancery hand. Copied by Luigi di Giovanfrancesco de Pazzi (February 2nd 1493). At f. 174v a note refers to the entrance of Charles VIII King of France into Florence in 1494.