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8°. n4 A-G8 H4. ff. 64 [– 1]: [4], 59. Italics. 92×146 mm.

8°. *4 A-Z8 AA-EE8 FF4. ff. 232: [4], 252 [i.e. 225], 3. Text in roman; titles of paragraphs in italics. 100×150 mm.

Breventano's treatise is mainly based on Aristotle's Ethics and Rhetoric, but other classical — as well as christian — authors are often quoted. A general introduction on the notion of virtue, very based on Cicero and Aristotle, is followed by…

The Trattato is conceived as a development of some remarks given in the Trattato degli elementi. The work is introduced by a preface to the readers which summarises what the author had written in the preface to the previous work. NEED TO CHECK AN…

Breventano's treatise on the natural elements opens with an interesting preface to the readers in which the author explains the importance of disseminating scientific culture not only through translations and commentaries, but through compendia as…

The work is a compendium of meteorology very focused on the knowledge of winds and their nature. Aristotle's Meteorology undoubtedly plays a main role among Breventano's sources, which are nonetheless extremely heterogeneous (Hippocrates, Seneca,…

4°. A-P4. ff. 53, [7]. Italics. mm. 130x180.

4°. [*]4, A-L4. ff. [4], 37, 7. Italics. mm. 130×180.

4°. A-C4, D2. ff. 14. Preface italics, text roman, marginalia italics. mm. 140×200.

Paper; mm. 220_310; ff. II + 125 + III. Autogr.

Ercole Bottrigari's translation of Aristotle's On Breath, dated 1606, follows the translation of an other Aristotelian short treatise (On Things Heard). The two works are part of the same translation project and witness the translator's interest in…

Ercole Bottrigari's translation of Aristotle's On Things Heard, dated 1606, is followed by the translation of an other Aristotelian short treatise (On Breath). The two works are part of the same translation project and witness the translator's…

Relevant unit: paper; ff. 154-169 + [3] blank. mm. 222_310. Autogr.

Relevant unit: paper; ff. 154-169 + [3] blank. mm. 222_310. Autogr.

Fabio Benvoglienti's Discorso sopra la materia de gli affetti is conceived as an introduction to (and compendium of) Aristotle's discussion of passions in Rhetoric, book 2. After a short preamble in which the Author explains Aristotle's priority in…
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