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Antonio Guarino's Le mechanice is the first Italian translation of and commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanics. Guarino, who worked as inspector of fortifications for the duke Alfonso II d'Este of Modena was acquainted with Greek and…

Giulio Landi's Le attioni morali is a collection of dialogues involving interlocutors such as Josse van Clichtove and Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples who discuss issues of moral philosophy mainly based on Aristotelian sources. The first version of the work…

Giulio Landi's Le attioni morali is a collection of dialogues involving interlocutors such as Josse van Clichtove and Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples who discuss issues of moral philosophy mainly based on Aristotelian sources.

Troilo Lancetta (under the pseudonym Lootri Nacattel) publishes here a section from Cesare Cremonini's commentary on Aristotle's Meteorology ('Contro gli astrologhi giudiciari', p. 131-364).

As the author affirms in the dedication letter to cardinal Flavio Orsini, the Discorso aims at demonstrating the immortality of the soul through a critical consideration of Aristotle's statements on the topic as well as his later readers and…

Panfilo Persico conceived this work as a compendium of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. The manuscript copy (Vatican City, ASV,Borghese IV.16) is a first version, dedicated to cardinal Scipione Borghese Caffarelli, who was a renown Aristotelian…

The work, offered by Francesco Sansovino to Pandolfo Attavanti, is presented as a translation of Aristotle's On the Soul, but it is rather a compendium of Aristotelian psychology. The name of the translator is not explicitly mentioned, though the…

Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…

Francesco de Vieri's Vere conclusioni is a work divided in three main parts aiming to highlight all those philosophical issues in which Plato, Aristotle and Christian doctrine agree. The main purpose of the book, as the author states in the…

This is the vernacular translation of the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On virtues and vices from a Latin version by Niccolò da Lonigo (1428-1524) (cf. the Greek text in Rackham 1935; no mention to the Latin version by Leoniceno in the relevant…

At the age of 81, the Aristotelian philosopher Francesco Piccolomini wrote the Instituzione del principe and the Compendio della scienza civile dedicating the two works respectively to the young prince Cosimo de Medici and to his mother, the Grand…

Giovan Francesco Zeffi's translation of the pseudo-Aristotelian Rhetoric to Alexander is the first of few Italian translations of the work. It is dedicated to Antonio Prioli, 'procuratore di San Marco', and it is conceived as a handy compendium of…

Francesco de Vieri's commentary on Aristotle's Meteorology, first published in 1573 (3 books) was later completed and republished (4 books) in 1582. The commentary on book 4 is witnessed by a dedicatory manuscript copy addressed to Francesco I de…

The oration by Niccolò Aggiunti (who was one of Galileo's disciples and the successor of Benedetto Castelli as professor of mathematics in Pisa since 1626), held in front of the Tuscan princes, deals with a strong defence of Galileo Galilei mainly…
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