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  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Moral Philosophy"

Cf. modern edition with critical introduction (Manenti 1988).

Parchment; ff. 65 [n.n.], 2 [blank]; mm. 225_134; 25 lines; small illuminated initials; dated at f. 65v: 'Ex Venet. primo Idus Iulij MCCCCLXXIII'. Old original binding in wood and vellum. The text of the Economics follows a compendium of the Ethics…

The anonymous translation of the Economics is witnessed by a manuscript (Venice, BNM, It. II.134) in which the text appears as part of a compilation including a compendium of the Ethics (largely coinciding with Taddeo Alderotti's) and vernacular…

Paper; ff. 122; mm. Title on spine: 'Morale / cavata / da / Aristot'.

The anonymous work, probably written at the end of the 16th c., is a paraphrase of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics which covers all the 10 books. Some of the books have specific titles.

Paper; misc.; ff. I, 165, I; mm. 180_290. Modern binding. Miscellaneous collection of moral works (including Cecco d'Ascoli's Acerba, Fiore di virtù and several poems) written by a single hand. Watermark: cf. Piccard: X, 392 (Ferrara 1399).

The short work is a collection of sentences from the pseudo-Aristotelian Letters. In the ms. Bologna, BU, 3658 it is copied within a miscellaneous collection of moral works including Cecco d'Ascoli's Acerba and the famous Fiore di virtù.

Paper; ff. II, p. 822, ff. [5], II; mm. 200_268. Date at f. IIr: '3 Nov. 1613', and f. [1]r: '8 Ag. 1614'. Titles on spine: 'Parafrase del con. / Pomponio Torelli so / pra l'Etica'; 'Parafrase del conte Pomponio Torelli sopra l'Etica d'Arist. m.s.'.

The paraphrase is copied after Torelli's death (1608). The work opens with an introduction which focuses on the main issues to be discussed in the paraphrase. Torelli turns sometimes to poetical examples from the Italian tradition in order to explain…

Paper; ff. [9], 86, [4 blank], [9]; mm. 280_195.

The work, unfinished, covers books I-III of Aristotle's Ethics. The introduction focuses on the main purposes of the interpreter underlining the difficulty of previous Aristotelian translations. The work is presented as the Italian translation of a…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 333, I; mm. 340_220.

Antonio Riccobono, previously asked to explain a passage from Aristotle's Politics concerning Hyppodamus's republic, writes to Cosimo Concini referring to a dispute which involved scholars such as Marc-Antoine Muret and Pietro Vettori. In the…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 160; mm. 315_225 (variable). Relevant unit (ff. 117-160): mm. 215_280. The ms is a sketchy one, full of additions, corrections, erasures. Not easily legibile.

Ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. VIII.1548 contains autograph works by Curzio Picchena, a Florentine diplomatist very close to Cosimo II de Medici (he also became segretario di stato). The excerpts from Aristotle's Politics are very difficult to read because…

Paper; ff. I, 393, IV; mm. 152_200.

Paper; ff. I, 353, IV; mm. 152_200.

The long treatise Della filosofia morale is divided into four sections: 1. Della filosofia morale; 2. Della felicità ; 3. Della virtù in genere; 4. Della virtù morale. The work is largely indebted to Aristotle's moral works, but other Aristotelian…

Paper; in folio; 2 miscellaneous volumes; same binding in parchment; I: ff. [II] + 293 + [I]. II: ff. [II] + 275 + [I]. Title on the spine: 'Miscellanea / di cose / filosofiche / e / morali'. Autograph by Camillo Baldi. Relevant unit: mm. 220_310;…

Camillo Baldi's Ragionamenti sopra la Politica d'Aristotile is an incomplete commentary on Aristotle's Politics covering book I-V. The Bologna ms. (BU, 1075) is the original autograph copy of the text, rich in corrections and additions by the author…

The first part of Pompeo Vizzani's Ragionamento che non è felicità  in questo mondo is all based (although not explicitly) on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Book I; Vizzani then veers off from it toward the discussion of heavenly happiness about two…
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