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  • Creator is exactly "MANNELLI Luca O.P."

The work is a compendium mainly based on Aristotle: it is made up of three trattati respectively dealing with the definition of habitus-passion-virtue, virtues and friendship. The author refers to other classical sources as well (such as Cicero,…

Paper; misc.; ff. 105; layout: mm. 110_190; 28 lines (variable). The Compendio follows here Taddeo Alderotti's compendium of the Ethics. The text in the ms. is not complete: the last section ('Qui si tratta de una virtù contraria alla magnanimità',…

Paper; ff. [II], 85, [II]; mm. 212_281; layout: mm. 122_180; 26/28 lines. Red rubric and initials of paragraphs in gold.

Paper; miscellaneous by a single chancery hand; ff. [1], 51, [1]; mm. 290_220.

Parchm.; ff. 76; mm. 166_237. Titles and rubrics in red. Modern binding. The text is divided into 99 chapters.

Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…
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