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The work, offered by Francesco Sansovino to Pandolfo Attavanti, is presented as a translation of Aristotle's On the Soul, but it is rather a compendium of Aristotelian psychology. The name of the translator is not explicitly mentioned, though the…

8°. A-D4, E2. ff. 18. Dedication and text italics. mm. 100x150.

The first manuscript, which is a miscellaneous and heterogeneous one, contains a single section of Salviati's commentary which deals with the previous exegetical works on the Poetics ('Degl'interpreti di questo libro della poetica', ff. 25r-26v: the…

Paper; ff. I, [9], 392, [1], I; mm. 210_300.

Relevant unit: ff. 25r-28v, mm. 210_300.

The lecture is very based on Aristotelian sources (Aristotle's works are often quoted). The author was a member of the Accademia degli Alterati. The lecture was given in 1564, under the leadership of Baccio Valori (cf. the later 1717 printed…

Paper; misc., comp.; mm. 330_240; ff. 175 (1r-51r, 81r-126v: autogr. Filippo Sassetti; 62r-77v: other hand; 132r onwards: other hand). Binding in parchment.

The brief treatise by Robortello, witnessed by miscellaneous manuscripts, deals with topics and discusses Aristotelian principles from the Prior Analytics, which are presented as a fundamental source for the rational faculties (Rhetoric, Poetics,…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [2], 153. Relevant unit: mm. 270_200.

Paper; misc., comp. (several units); variable measures. Relevant unit: mm. 215_315. The treatise is provided with two diagrams (ff. 193v, 194v).

Antonio Riccobono, previously asked to explain a passage from Aristotle's Politics concerning Hyppodamus's republic, writes to Cosimo Concini referring to a dispute which involved scholars such as Marc-Antoine Muret and Pietro Vettori. In the…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 333, I; mm. 340_220.
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