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Paper; ff. [I] + [4 n.n.] + [38 n.n.] + [I]; mm. 190_275. Beautiful copy, might be the dedication one.

Giulio Landi's Le attioni morali is a collection of dialogues involving interlocutors such as Josse van Clichtove and Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples who discuss issues of moral philosophy mainly based on Aristotelian sources. The first version of the work…

4°. A2-K2. ff. [22]. mm. 202×294. Text in Roman. Geometrical drawings throughout the text and the commentary.

Antonio Guarino's Le mechanice is the first Italian translation of and commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanics. Guarino, who worked as inspector of fortifications for the duke Alfonso II d'Este of Modena was acquainted with Greek and…

Paper; ff. [II], 623, [II]; mm. 200_260. Contemporary binding. The last page not numbered as a date: '16 ott. 1609'. An different title, L'Ethica di Fabio Albergati, though erased, is still readable on the spine of the book. The title Del sommo bene.…

Paper; ff. [IV], 94, [IV]; mm. 270_202. Later binding. The text is closer to the Vatican copy (Urb. Lat. 1391) than to the printed edition of 1627.

4°. [I tomo] +-++4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Yyy4; [II tomo] +4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Nnn4, a4-k4. ff. [8], pp. 542, f. [1]; ff. [4], pp. 472, ff. [40]. Text in Roman, titles of paragraphs in Italics.

Fabio Albergati's Le morali is a treatise on virtues very based on Aristotle's Nicoamachean Ethics. The work was first published in 1627, after Fabio's death (1606), by the author's son, Antonio, bishop of Bisceglie, who dedicated the book to pope…

Paper; ff. I, 60, [4], 54, [2], 29, [4]; mm. 100_153. Original binding in parchment; title on spine: 'ARIS-

The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's logical works (On interpretation and Posterior Analytics) is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On the…
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