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Sozzini's Dichiaratione is a commentary on a short section from Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 1 on the difference between the notion of sign and verisimile.

Paper; misc., comp. (12 units). Only available in mcf.

4°. a4,††4,†††4,††††4, A-Z4, Aa-Kk4. ff. [16], pp. 261. Dedication letter italics, text roman. mm. 160×240.

The Breve ragionamento follows in the ms. Florence, BNC, Magl.XII.12 a Latin work by the same author on a similar subject (Epilogus doctrinam Aristotelis de anima quam brevissime complectens, ff. 4r-25v), dedicated - as the Italian one - to the duke…

Paper; ff. I, [6], 87, [6], II; mm. 140_200. Beautiful copy. Some of the initials letters are decorated in gold (ff. 1r, 4r, 32r).

4°. A-O4, a-h4. ff. 56, [32]. mm. 146×200. Italics
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