Browse Items (280 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Venice "

8°. a-z8, AA-XX8, YY2. ff. [ii], 520, [20]. mm. 105×155.

4°.†-†††4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ttt4. ff. [i], [12], 260. mm. 155×215.

4°. A4, a4, B-T4. ff. 80: [8 ff.], 151 pp., [1 p.]. Text in italics. 135×190 mm.

4°. ff. [4-1], 177, [1].

Galeazzo Florimonte's Ragionamenti sopra l'Etica di Aristotele were first published in 1554 by Girolamo Ruscelli: this incomplete edition of the work (book 2-3 were missing) was republished in 1562. A complete edition of the Ragionamenti, which is…

4°. a4,††4,†††4,††††4, A-Z4, Aa-Kk4. ff. [16], pp. 261. Dedication letter italics, text roman. mm. 160×240.

4°. *-***4, A-Z4, Aa-Oo4. ff. 160: [12], 147, [1]. Text in italics; index in roman. 141×205 mm.

Troilo Lancetta (under the pseudonym Lootri Nacattel) publishes here a section from Cesare Cremonini's commentary on Aristotle's Meteorology ('Contro gli astrologhi giudiciari', p. 131-364).
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