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  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "—Politics"

4°. [*]4, A-Z4, AA-FF4. ff. [7], CXII [i.e. 113]. mm. 150×210. Roman.

Giovanni Manenti's work is a collection of three Aristotelian texts which had a wide circulation during the Middle Ages: according to Zinelli 2000: 538-541, Manenti's vernacular version of the Secret of secrets seems to draw on Vivaldo Belcalzèr's…

Paper, ff. 110, mm. 215_150. Dedication copy, beautifully written in a calligraphic hand.

8°. a8-b8, A8-M8. ff. [14], pp. 97, ff. [4]. Italics. mm. 90×145.

Panfilo Persico conceived this work as a compendium of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. The manuscript copy (Vatican City, ASV,Borghese IV.16) is a first version, dedicated to cardinal Scipione Borghese Caffarelli, who was a renown Aristotelian…

Paper; ff. 113; mm. 200_275. Possibly autograph; written by a single hand (the same which copies the preface of the Instituzione in ms. Ricc. 2589). Old (probably original) binding in cardboard and parchment with golden decorations. This might be –…

Paper; ff. [2], 201, [2]; mm. 200_265; original binding in parchment. Beautiful copy written in an elegant cursive hand (early 17th c.). The Institutione at ff. 3r-38v; the Compendio at ff. 39r-196v.

At the age of 81, the Aristotelian philosopher Francesco Piccolomini wrote the Instituzione del principe and the Compendio della scienza civile dedicating the two works respectively to the young prince Cosimo de Medici and to his mother, the Grand…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 333, I; mm. 340_220.

Antonio Riccobono, previously asked to explain a passage from Aristotle's Politics concerning Hyppodamus's republic, writes to Cosimo Concini referring to a dispute which involved scholars such as Marc-Antoine Muret and Pietro Vettori. In the…

Paper; misc., comp.; mm. 330_240; ff. 175 (1r-51r, 81r-126v: autogr. Filippo Sassetti; 62r-77v: other hand; 132r onwards: other hand). Binding in parchment.

The lecture is very based on Aristotelian sources (Aristotle's works are often quoted). The author was a member of the Accademia degli Alterati. The lecture was given in 1564, under the leadership of Baccio Valori (cf. the later 1717 printed…

Paper; ff. [I] + [7 n.n.] + 520 [i.e. 272 pp. + 338 ff.] + [I]; mm. 205_283. Autograph copy with corrections and additions. Title on spine: 'Trattato / dei Governi / di Aristotile / tradotto dal / Greco in Fior(enti)no / da Bernardo Segni'.

4°; A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Iii 4; ff. 220: [1], p. 420, [10]. Type: text in roman; commentary and titles in italics. 216×135 mm.

8°. a-z8, A-H8. ff. 248: [1], 230, [18]. Type: text in italics; commentary in roman. 152x100 mm.

Bernardo Segni's Trattato dei governi is a translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Politics. The work, published in 1549 and later reprinted (1551, 1559), was ready in 1548 - as confirmed by the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of Florence,…

Paper; misc.; comp.; ff. III + 71 + I; mm. 220_320 (210_313).

Giuseppe Valdagni comments, on behest of Count Alfonso Caprioli (who was a member of the Accademia degli Occulti in Brescia), on a controversial passage from Plato's Republic as well as on Aristotle's critique of the same passage in Politics, book 5.…
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