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Cf. modern edition with critical introduction (Manenti 1988).

Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…

Parchm.; ff. 76; mm. 166_237. Titles and rubrics in red. Modern binding. The text is divided into 99 chapters.

Paper; miscellaneous by a single chancery hand; ff. [1], 51, [1]; mm. 290_220.

Paper; ff. [II], 85, [II]; mm. 212_281; layout: mm. 122_180; 26/28 lines. Red rubric and initials of paragraphs in gold.

Paper; misc.; ff. 105; layout: mm. 110_190; 28 lines (variable). The Compendio follows here Taddeo Alderotti's compendium of the Ethics. The text in the ms. is not complete: the last section ('Qui si tratta de una virtù contraria alla magnanimità',…

The work is a compendium mainly based on Aristotle: it is made up of three trattati respectively dealing with the definition of habitus-passion-virtue, virtues and friendship. The author refers to other classical sources as well (such as Cicero,…

4°. a4, a-d4, A-O4, P6; ff. [4], pp. 29, [3], pp. 122. Text in Roman. mm. 145×200.

Orazio Marta's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics was published after the death of the author by Carlo Tramontano, who signs the dedication letter to the Count of Lemos. The work appeared within a collection of Marta's Rime et prose which includes…

Paper; misc.; mm. 143_220; ff. [...]. Faulty numbers of pages. Written by the same cursive but very legible hand.

The Discorso deals with a passage from Aristotle's Problemata. It is rich in Aristotelian references from the works of natural philosophy.

Giuseppe Moleto's Dialogo intorno alla meccanica, which remained unpublished until very recent times (cf. modern edition by W.R. Laird, 2000), may be considered a reworking in the vernacular of the author's scholarly discussions over the Mechanics…

Paper; ff. [II], 2 (parchm.), 71 (blank 64-71) + [II]; mm. 210_300; layout: mm. 145_230; 37/38 lines; modern binding. Watermark: cf. Piccard, X, n°1107 – Ravenna, a. 1472). Owner's note at f. 71v: 'Iste liber est mei Gregorii marie de Barianis [de…

The treatise on moral virtues by Benedetto Morandi is conceived as a handy compendium for a young nobleman. The Aristotelian frame of the work is clear as of the beginning of the text, which opens with a definition of virtue perfectly fitting in with…
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