Browse Items (986 total)

Paper; ff. II, 97, III; mm. 209_98.

Paper; misc.; ff. 171; mm. 205_272; written by several hands. Watermarks: ff. 58, 48: cf. Briquet 15794 (a. 1370-1395) and 15797 (a. 1390-1395).

Parchment; ff. 65 [n.n.], 2 [blank]; mm. 225_134; 25 lines; small illuminated initials; dated at f. 65v: 'Ex Venet. primo Idus Iulij MCCCCLXXIII'. Old original binding in wood and vellum. The text of the Economics follows a compendium of the Ethics…

Paper; misc.; ff. 89; mm. 278_207; the first 21 folios are missing; dated by the scribe at f. 89r: 'Finito el libro Rosario di philosophi. 1473 die 21 mensis Mai'.

Paper; ff. [2], 201, [2]; mm. 200_265; original binding in parchment. Beautiful copy written in an elegant cursive hand (early 17th c.). The Institutione at ff. 3r-38v; the Compendio at ff. 39r-196v.

Paper; ff. I, 40; mm. 170_228. Original binding in parchment with golden decorations. Beautiful copy of Francesco Piccolomini's Instituzione; the dedication letter is copied by a different hand, possibly the author's (cf. Siena, BC, G.VII.36). The…

Paper; ff. 113; mm. 200_275. Possibly autograph; written by a single hand (the same which copies the preface of the Instituzione in ms. Ricc. 2589). Old (probably original) binding in cardboard and parchment with golden decorations. This might be –…

Paper; misc.; ff. I, 165; mm. 220_150. Old binding (bad conditions) in wood and vellum. The date (1443) refers to the first text copied by a different, though contemporary hand in the ms. (Liber vocatur Adventus Christi, vernacular, ff. 1r-69v); the…

Paper; ff. 58 + 9 (blank); mm. 339_234; old binding in wood and vellum; 2 columns, 37 lines. Watermark: cf. Briquet 3373 (a. 1460s-1470s; though it is not exactly the same).

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 333, I; mm. 340_220.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 356, I; mm. 223_164. Later binding in cardboard. 8 units.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, II, 85; mm. 220_160.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 533, I. Old binding. Title on spine: 'Trattati / Di Politica / E Ragioni Di / Stato'. Unit 1, ff. 7r-53v: mm. 205_280.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, 821, I; old binding. Title on spine: 'Erudizioni / & altre / cose curiose'. Unit 7, mm. 200_270, ff. 170r-206r.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 79, II; mm. 190_270. Old binding in parchment. Watermark: cf. Briquet 13648 (a. 1570). General title at f. IIr: 'Trattati diversi'; the ms. has been part of the Ambrosiana collection since 1603 (Olgiati). One of the…

Paper; ff. [13], 213, [30]; mm. 350_240. Text copied by two different hands (the second one as of f. 132). Beautiful copy.

Paper; misc.; ff. [2], 40, [1]; mm. 325_225.

Paper; ff. I, 1, 50, I; mm. 300_225; 8 folios missing at the beginning; text in 2 columns; drawings at ff. 45v.50v; at f. 46r: 'E questo libro ene di [...]andro di Giovanni di Firenze'. The first part of the text is missing. Together with mss.…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 79, II; mm. 190_270. Old binding in parchment. Watermark: cf. Briquet 13648 (a. 1570). General title at f. IIr: 'Trattati diversi'; the ms. has been part of the Ambrosiana collection since 1603 (Olgiati). One of the…

Paper; ff. [I] + [4 n.n.] + [38 n.n.] + [I]; mm. 190_275. Beautiful copy, might be the dedication one.
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