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At the age of 81, the Aristotelian philosopher Francesco Piccolomini wrote the Instituzione del principe and the Compendio della scienza civile dedicating the two works respectively to the young prince Cosimo de Medici and to his mother, the Grand…

Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. In this ms. the dialogue De immortalitate anime is followed by Lazzaro Gallineta's translation of the treatise On Virtues and Vices (as it…

Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. Layout's measures variable: 1. mm. 82_150, 27 lines; 2. mm. 80_145, 26 lines; 3. mm. 82_155, 28 lines. Title on spine: 'tratt

Parchment; mm. 177_120; ff. [1], 50 [50 blank], [8]; 23 lines; layout mm. 110x75. Original binding in wood and vellum.

Parchment; ff. I, 37, I; mm. 165_230. Layout: mm. 102_155. Lines: 24 per page. Beautiful dedicatory copy. Initials of paragraphs and names of dedicatees in red. Binding decorated with Medici coat of arms.

The Discorso was written in 1565 by Francesco De Vieri on the occasion of Francesco I de Medici's wedding; it is thus dedicated to the duke and his wife, Johanna of Austria. The work, conceived as a thorough discussion of philosophy and its…

Paper; misc.; mm. 143_220; ff. [...]. Faulty numbers of pages. Written by the same cursive but very legible hand.

The Discorso deals with a passage from Aristotle's Problemata. It is rich in Aristotelian references from the works of natural philosophy.

Paper; ff. I, 353, IV; mm. 152_200.

Paper; ff. I, 153, I; mm. 150_193. Title on the spine: 'Aristoti / Problemi / Ms.'. Cursive hand, probably 17th c.

The anonymous work is a paraphrase of some sections from Aristotle's Problemata dealing with issues of natural philosophy ('seconda particula del sudore', 'terza particula dell'imbriachezza', 'vigesima settima particula della timidità ') as well as…

Paper; ff. [I] + [4 n.n.] + [38 n.n.] + [I]; mm. 190_275. Beautiful copy, might be the dedication one.

Giulio Landi's Le attioni morali is a collection of dialogues involving interlocutors such as Josse van Clichtove and Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples who discuss issues of moral philosophy mainly based on Aristotelian sources. The first version of the work…

Paper; ff. II, 63, I; mm. 180_240; old binding in vellum.

The anonymous translator (who presents himself as a pupil of Agostino Nifo) dedicates his version of Aristotle's Physiognomy - which is translated into Italian from Latin, as stated in the preface - to an unnamed ruler. The translator refers to the…

Paper; ff. I, 393, IV; mm. 152_200.

The long treatise Della filosofia morale is divided into four sections: 1. Della filosofia morale; 2. Della felicità ; 3. Della virtù in genere; 4. Della virtù morale. The work is largely indebted to Aristotle's moral works, but other Aristotelian…

Paper; ff. [I modern], 317, [I modern]; mm. 215_155. Modern binding. Text copied by a single hand, earlier than the other extant copies (Vatican City and Austin). With some corrections. Maybe autograph. A different hand adds some biographical details…
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