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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Venice "

Antonio Brucioli's translation of Aristotle's Politics is dedicated to Piero Strozzi.

8°. *4, A-Q8, R-S4. ff. 139 [i.e. 140-1]: [4-1], 134, 2. Dedication in italics; text in roman. 105×165 mm.

4°. A4, a4, B-T4. ff. 80: [8 ff.], 151 pp., [1 p.]. Text in italics. 135×190 mm.

4°. ff. [4-1], 177, [1].

Galeazzo Florimonte's Ragionamenti sopra l'Etica di Aristotele were first published in 1554 by Girolamo Ruscelli: this incomplete edition of the work (book 2-3 were missing) was republished in 1562. A complete edition of the Ragionamenti, which is…

Giovanni Manenti's work is a collection of three Aristotelian texts which had a wide circulation during the Middle Ages: according to Zinelli 2000: 538-541, Manenti's vernacular version of the Secret of secrets seems to draw on Vivaldo Belcalzèr's…

4°. [*]4, A-Z4, AA-FF4. ff. [7], CXII [i.e. 113]. mm. 150×210. Roman.

8°. A-D4, E2. ff. 18. Dedication and text italics. mm. 100x150.

The work, offered by Francesco Sansovino to Pandolfo Attavanti, is presented as a translation of Aristotle's On the Soul, but it is rather a compendium of Aristotelian psychology. The name of the translator is not explicitly mentioned, though the…

8°. az8 AV8 X4. ff. 158 [i.e. 342], [5]. Type: translation in Italics; commentary in Roman. 150×100 mm.

Bernardo Segni's translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, dedicated to the duke Cosimo I, appeared in 1550 and was reprinted in Venice a year later. The work - apparently based on the Greek text - includes a commentary by Segni himself. NB:…
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