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  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Rhetoric"

4°; p. [12], 355, [25].

4°; A4-B4; ff. 8. Epistle in Roman, text in Italics.

4°. A-O4, a-h4. ff. 56, [32]. mm. 146×200. Italics

4°; [*]4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Sss4; p. [8], 507, [5]; mm. 150×205; preface in italics, text in roman.

4°; a2, A-Y4, Z2; ff. [2], 93, [1]; mm. 135×192. Dedication and foreword in roman, text in italics.

8°. *4, A-I8, K4. ff. [4], pp. 148, ff. [II]. Preface to the readers italics, text roman. mm. 105×158.

4°. *4, A-Z4, AA-EE4, DD6. ff. [4], 109, [1]. mm. 150x210.

4°. *4, A-Z4, AA-DD4. Italics. mm. 140x205.

The translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric was edited by the Sienese scholar Felice Figliucci, who refers to the work as realised by a translator who undoubtedly came from Siena, as it shall appear clear from the language employed. Figliucci, who was…

The Trattato de' costumi, attributed to Luigi Dal Portello (who signs the preface letter to Niccolò Valier) by Risse, is in fact the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book II. As one gets from the identity of the publisher, such work might be…
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