Orazio Marta's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics was published after the death of the author by Carlo Tramontano, who signs the dedication letter to the Count of Lemos. The work appeared within a collection of Marta's Rime et prose which includes…
Bernardo Segni's translation of Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric were first printed in Florence in 1549, though the author had been working on them for several years, as confirmed by the manuscript (autograph) version of the Rhetoric now in the…
Though recorded as a single work, the two manuscripts Florence, BNC, II.I.20-21 are note really related: the first one contains the so-called Proloqui nella Rettorica and an incomplete Ragionamento della poesia; the second manuscript is made up of 5…
The work is conceived as a series of tree diagrams ('alberi') and short paragraphs which aim at summarising the main rational faculties (grammar, rhetoric, topics, logic, poetics, history). Aristotle is one of the main sources employed by Toscanella,…
The first manuscript, which is a miscellaneous and heterogeneous one, contains a single section of Salviati's commentary which deals with the previous exegetical works on the Poetics ('Degl'interpreti di questo libro della poetica', ff. 25r-26v: the…