The treatise — dedicated to Neri di Gino Capponi — is divided in three books, respectively dealing with the government of oneself, the government of the family and the government of the civitas (whereas books I and II systematically draw on…
The anonymous treatise opens with general references to Aristotle's Metaphysics and Ethics in order to criticise the idea that God might be angry and, hence, imperfect. Other references to the Aristotelian notion of virtue follows; other sources…
Paper; misc.; ff. I, 165; mm. 220_150. Old binding (bad conditions) in wood and vellum. The date (1443) refers to the first text copied by a different, though contemporary hand in the ms. (Liber vocatur Adventus Christi, vernacular, ff. 1r-69v); the…
The rhetorician and school master Bernardo Nuti translated Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics into Italian from the Latin version of Leonardo Bruni in the early 1450s on behest of the Spanish humanist Nuño de Guzmán (the original manuscript with the…
Parchment; ff. I (paper) + 180 + I (paper); mm. 260_180 (164_113); 27 lines. 'Text written in a well formed humanistic bookhand by a single scribe; the rubrics, in majuscules, by another scribe who used excessive punctuation. [...] Written in…
Paper; ff. 58 + 9 (blank); mm. 339_234; old binding in wood and vellum; 2 columns, 37 lines. Watermark: cf. Briquet 3373 (a. 1460s-1470s; though it is not exactly the same).
Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. In this ms. the dialogue De immortalitate anime is followed by Lazzaro Gallineta's translation of the treatise On Virtues and Vices (as it…
Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. Layout's measures variable: 1. mm. 82_150, 27 lines; 2. mm. 80_145, 26 lines; 3. mm. 82_155, 28 lines. Title on spine: 'tratt
Paper; ff. [3], 221, [3], [3]; mm. 215_146; cursive hand with red rubric and blue initials (the same hand in mss. Pal. 729; Magl. XXI.64). At f. 221r: 'Questo libro scrisse Bonacorso di Filippo Adimari da Firenze, ad istanza di sé et delli amici et…
Paper; ff. I (parchm.) + 170 + 1 (parchm.) (blank 166-170); mm. 198_283; 20 lines. Humanistic hand. Frieze at f. 1r; subscription at the end: 'finis. Die .x. Sectembris.
This is the vernacular translation of the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On virtues and vices from a Latin version by Niccolò da Lonigo (1428-1524) (cf. the Greek text in Rackham 1935; no mention to the Latin version by Leoniceno in the relevant…
Paper; ff. [I parchm.], [2], 214, [1], [I]; mm. 143_220. Old binding in vellum. The manuscript is copied in 1467 by Buonaccorso di Filippo Adimari (cf. ms. Florence, BNC, Pal. 710).
Paper, misc., comp.; ff. [i], 263, [i]. mm. 205_150. Later binding in parchment. Layout of the section concerned (1r-48v) mm. 95_150, 27 lines. The treatise is followed by Francesco Petrarca's canzone Vergine bella che di sol vestita (RVF, 366)…
The treatise on moral virtues by Benedetto Morandi is conceived as a handy compendium for a young nobleman. The Aristotelian frame of the work is clear as of the beginning of the text, which opens with a definition of virtue perfectly fitting in with…
Paper; ff. [II], 2 (parchm.), 71 (blank 64-71) + [II]; mm. 210_300; layout: mm. 145_230; 37/38 lines; modern binding. Watermark: cf. Piccard, X, n°1107 – Ravenna, a. 1472). Owner's note at f. 71v: 'Iste liber est mei Gregorii marie de Barianis [de…
Paper; ff. I, 47, I; 15th c. (1471); rubrics in red; decorated initial at f. 1r; 24 lines. Original binding in wood and vellum (with decorations). Names of cited authors in red on the margins.
Parchment; ff. [vi] paper, [1], 62, [iv] paper. Modern binding; title on the spine: “Iac. Camphora. / De / Immortalitate animae”. mm. 160_215; measures of folios, cut and rebound: mm. 135_200; layout: mm. 80_145. Lines per page: 25. Text copied in…
Paper; misc.; ff. 89; mm. 278_207; the first 21 folios are missing; dated by the scribe at f. 89r: 'Finito el libro Rosario di philosophi. 1473 die 21 mensis Mai'.
Parchment; ff. 65 [n.n.], 2 [blank]; mm. 225_134; 25 lines; small illuminated initials; dated at f. 65v: 'Ex Venet. primo Idus Iulij MCCCCLXXIII'. Old original binding in wood and vellum. The text of the Economics follows a compendium of the Ethics…
The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise De perfecto magisterio deals with alchemic issues. The original text is accessible in J.-J. Manget, Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa (Geneva: 1702), I, 641A.
The anonymous translation of the Economics is witnessed by a manuscript (Venice, BNM, It. II.134) in which the text appears as part of a compilation including a compendium of the Ethics (largely coinciding with Taddeo Alderotti's) and vernacular…