Browse Items (37 total)

  • Genre is exactly "

Parchment; 15th c. (1448); ff. I, 29, I; text in two columns; original binding in wood and vellum; 35 lines.

Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. In this ms. the dialogue De immortalitate anime is followed by Lazzaro Gallineta's translation of the treatise On Virtues and Vices (as it…

Paper, misc., comp.; ff. [i], 263, [i]. mm. 205_150. Later binding in parchment. Layout of the section concerned (1r-48v) mm. 95_150, 27 lines. The treatise is followed by Francesco Petrarca's canzone Vergine bella che di sol vestita (RVF, 366)…

Paper; ff. I, 47, I; 15th c. (1471); rubrics in red; decorated initial at f. 1r; 24 lines. Original binding in wood and vellum (with decorations). Names of cited authors in red on the margins.

Parchment; ff. [vi] paper, [1], 62, [iv] paper. Modern binding; title on the spine: “Iac. Camphora. / De / Immortalitate animae”. mm. 160_215; measures of folios, cut and rebound: mm. 135_200; layout: mm. 80_145. Lines per page: 25. Text copied in…

folio. ff. 39. All the text in roman; 190×275 mm.

Folio; [*]1, a7, b-c6, d5. ff. [25]. mm. 180×265. Roman type. Layout: 130×200, text in 2 columns. Initials of paragraphs in red or blue (ms. coloured). Modern binding.

4°. ff. [44] Roman script (titles of chapters in capital). mm. 140×202. Layout: 86×150. Lines per page: 30.

Paper; miscellaneous by a single scribe; mm. 210_300; 2 columns; red rubrics, initials in red or blue, some of them illuminated; ff. [I] + 4 (mm. 150_210) + [8] + 225 + [4] + [I]. Modern binding. At f. 1r not numb. title by a modern hand: 'Libro…

Paper; ff. 56; mm. 145_197. Layout: 86_125. Lines per page: 22. Original binding in wood and vellum with stamped decorations. Beautiful humanistic script, with marginal red rubrics. Some faults of binding towards the end (correct sequence of folios:…

8°; a-e8; ff. 40

8°. [A]-I4. ff. [36]. Gothic script. mm. 105×150.

8°; ff. 38; Roman type.

ff. 36; A-L; Roman type.

4°. *4, A-Z4, AA-ZZ4, AAA-XXX4; ff. [8], p. 504, ff. [12]. mm.

8°. a-z8, AA-XX8, YY2. ff. [ii], 520, [20]. mm. 105×155.

4°. *-***4, A-Z4, Aa-Oo4. ff. 160: [12], 147, [1]. Text in italics; index in roman. 141×205 mm.
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