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The work by Tartaglia, which appeared in three different editions (1546, 1554, 1565 c.), included a partial commentary on Pseudo-Aristotle's Mechanics (section VI, ed. 1554).

Faustino Summo's Discorsi poetici is a collection of lectures previously given on specific passages or matters from Aristotle's Poetics. The work is dedicated as a whole to Federico Corner (Cornaro), who is mentioned as patron and founder of an…

4°; a2, A-Y4, Z2; ff. [2], 93, [1]; mm. 135×192. Dedication and foreword in roman, text in italics.

Sozzini's Dichiaratione is a commentary on a short section from Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 1 on the difference between the notion of sign and verisimile.

Paper; misc., comp. (12 units). Only available in mcf.

The academic oration is assigned by a later hand to Francesco Sommari who read it in the School of Simone della Rocca (cf. gloss in ms. Florence, BNC, Magl. VII.1207). Even though quite far from being an original text, the oration is widely based on…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. 4, 351; mm. 210_280.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, [2], 253, I. Relevant unit: mm. 145_210.

After a section devoted to the notion of virtue in general, the treatise is made up of several chapters concerning vices, virtues and other moral categories. It apparently follows the order of Aristotle's Ethics, but it also focuses on Christian…

Paper; ff. 75 + I; mm. 220_320.

Bernardo Segni's Trattato dei governi is a translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Politics. The work, published in 1549 and later reprinted (1551, 1559), was ready in 1548 - as confirmed by the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of Florence,…
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