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Paper; ff. [II], 174, [I]; mm. 236_170. Cursive chancery hand. Copied by Luigi di Giovanfrancesco de Pazzi (February 2nd 1493). At f. 174v a note refers to the entrance of Charles VIII King of France into Florence in 1494.

Paper; ff. [I parchm.], [2], 214, [1], [I]; mm. 143_220. Old binding in vellum. The manuscript is copied in 1467 by Buonaccorso di Filippo Adimari (cf. ms. Florence, BNC, Pal. 710).

Paper; ff. [III], 151, 9 (blank), [II]; mm. 200_280; binding in vellum.

Paper; misc.; p. 411; mm. 287_200. The translation of the Ethics is followed by: John Chrysostom, Libro da venire a compunzione, volg. (p. 260-304); Hugh of Saint Victor, Trattato della messa o specchio della santa chiesa, volg. (p. 306-338bis);…

Paper; ff. [3], 221, [3], [3]; mm. 215_146; cursive hand with red rubric and blue initials (the same hand in mss. Pal. 729; Magl. XXI.64). At f. 221r: 'Questo libro scrisse Bonacorso di Filippo Adimari da Firenze, ad istanza di sé et delli amici et…

Parchment; mm. 230_155; ff. II, 210; red rubrics and decorated initials; title of the work at f. IIv within a tond; at f. 1r beautiful frieze on three sides of the page; binding in parchment.

Parchment; ff. I (paper) + 180 + I (paper); mm. 260_180 (164_113); 27 lines. 'Text written in a well formed humanistic bookhand by a single scribe; the rubrics, in majuscules, by another scribe who used excessive punctuation. [...] Written in…

Paper; ff. I (parchm.) + 170 + 1 (parchm.) (blank 166-170); mm. 198_283; 20 lines. Humanistic hand. Frieze at f. 1r; subscription at the end: 'finis. Die .x. Sectembris.

The rhetorician and school master Bernardo Nuti translated Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics into Italian from the Latin version of Leonardo Bruni in the early 1450s on behest of the Spanish humanist Nuño de Guzmán (the original manuscript with the…

4°. A-K4. ff. xxxvi. Dedication and text roman. mm. 150×210.

As the author affirms in the dedication letter to cardinal Flavio Orsini, the Discorso aims at demonstrating the immortality of the soul through a critical consideration of Aristotle's statements on the topic as well as his later readers and…

Paper; ff. [9], 86, [4 blank], [9]; mm. 280_195.

The work, unfinished, covers books I-III of Aristotle's Ethics. The introduction focuses on the main purposes of the interpreter underlining the difficulty of previous Aristotelian translations. The work is presented as the Italian translation of a…

Paper, ff. 110, mm. 215_150. Dedication copy, beautifully written in a calligraphic hand.
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