Giuseppe Valdagni comments, on behest of Count Alfonso Caprioli (who was a member of the Accademia degli Occulti in Brescia), on a controversial passage from Plato's Republic as well as on Aristotle's critique of the same passage in Politics, book 5.…
Giovanni Manenti's work is a collection of three Aristotelian texts which had a wide circulation during the Middle Ages: according to Zinelli 2000: 538-541, Manenti's vernacular version of the Secret of secrets seems to draw on Vivaldo Belcalzèr's…
Antonio Riccobono, previously asked to explain a passage from Aristotle's Politics concerning Hyppodamus's republic, writes to Cosimo Concini referring to a dispute which involved scholars such as Marc-Antoine Muret and Pietro Vettori. In the…
Paper; in folio; 2 miscellaneous volumes; same binding in parchment; I: ff. [II] + 293 + [I]. II: ff. [II] + 275 + [I]. Title on the spine: 'Miscellanea / di cose / filosofiche / e / morali'. Autograph by Camillo Baldi. Relevant unit: mm. 220_310;…
Camillo Baldi's Ragionamenti sopra la Politica d'Aristotile is an incomplete commentary on Aristotle's Politics covering book I-V. The Bologna ms. (BU, 1075) is the original autograph copy of the text, rich in corrections and additions by the author…
Paper; ff. [I] + [7 n.n.] + 520 [i.e. 272 pp. + 338 ff.] + [I]; mm. 205_283. Autograph copy with corrections and additions. Title on spine: 'Trattato / dei Governi / di Aristotile / tradotto dal / Greco in Fior(enti)no / da Bernardo Segni'.
Bernardo Segni's Trattato dei governi is a translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Politics. The work, published in 1549 and later reprinted (1551, 1559), was ready in 1548 - as confirmed by the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of Florence,…
The lecture is very based on Aristotelian sources (Aristotle's works are often quoted). The author was a member of the Accademia degli Alterati. The lecture was given in 1564, under the leadership of Baccio Valori (cf. the later 1717 printed…