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  • Genre is exactly "Commentary"

This is the vernacular translation of the pseudo-aristotelian treatise On virtues and vices from a Latin version by Niccolò da Lonigo (1428-1524) (cf. the Greek text in Rackham 1935; no mention to the Latin version by Leoniceno in the relevant…

4°.†-†††4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ttt4. ff. [i], [12], 260. mm. 155×215.

8°. a-z8, AA-XX8, YY2. ff. [ii], 520, [20]. mm. 105×155.

4°. *4, A-Z4, AA-ZZ4, AAA-XXX4; ff. [8], p. 504, ff. [12]. mm.

The text (witnessed by ms. Vatican City, BAV, Ott. Lat. 2196) is unfortunately almost illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios. Almost nothing is known about the author (an other work by him in Florence, BNC, ms. IX.139). As…

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [II], 684, [II].Measures variable. Relevant unit: mm. 275_200.

4°. a4,††4,†††4,††††4, A-Z4, Aa-Kk4. ff. [16], pp. 261. Dedication letter italics, text roman. mm. 160×240.

The short work is made up of two sections: the Italian translation of a passage from Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 2, on friendship is followed by a thorough commentary which draws on Aristotelian sources as well as biblical ones. Some Greek passages…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 79, II; mm. 190_270. Old binding in parchment. Watermark: cf. Briquet 13648 (a. 1570). General title at f. IIr: 'Trattati diversi'; the ms. has been part of the Ambrosiana collection since 1603 (Olgiati). One of the…

The short notes by an anonymous scholar deal with a passage from Aristotle's Ethics, book 2, but refer to other passages as well.

Paper; misc., comp.; mm. 220_340.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. 0000; mm. 215_315. Watermark: cf. Briquet 636 (a. 1572, 1578).
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